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The employer must make clear the nature of the work offered and specify any necessary skills required, the proposed wages and other items. If they are able, the employer should also state the number and distribution of hours to be worked and the date that the employment will end. It is the responsibility of the employer to let all candidates know the result of an application as soon as possible and also to inform QMU Careers and Employability It is the duty of the employer to meet all statutory legal requirements with regard to students employed via the QMU Careers and Employability. In particular the employer is reminded of their legal responsibilities to adhere to the following: Payment of the national minimum wage: Payment of National Insurance Contributions, tax, or where appropriate, submission of Declaration of Income Forms to the Inland Revenue. Adherence to health and safety regulations and provision of adequate insurance. Compliance with legislation against discrimination on the basis of disability, ethnic origin, gender etc. and with good practice in respect of non-discrimination on the grounds of age etc. or any other legally protected characteristic. Employers are responsible to find out legal requirements on employing non EU students and the UK work restrictions they may be subject too, including any cap on hours. For updated employment legislation, please visit:  HYPERLINK "https://www.gov.uk/browse/employing-people"https://www.gov.uk/browse/employing-people Employers should be aware of students' study obligations and not ask them to work an excessive number of hours during term-time. A maximum of 16 hours per week is recommended during term time. The employers shall satisfy themselves as to the suitability of any employee and shall be responsible for taking up any references provided by the employee before engaging the student. Queen Margaret University shall not be liable for any loss, injury or claim etc. incurred by the employer as a result of employment of the student. Any employer not wishing their information to be passed either wholly or in part to any third party should make this known to QMU Careers and Employability. If you wish to advertise an event, scholarship or related opportunity, please contact us. We select high quality vacancies, with regards to conditions and/or experience gained, to further advertise to students via our internal careers bulletin and social media accounts. Should you not wish us to do this, please contact us. If you wish to request we further advertise your vacancy please also contact us; fulfilment of this request is at the discretion of QMU Careers and Employability. 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